Our Experience

We have extensive experience in offering tailored services to a range of clients

Adam McLean has recently delivered on

Cape York United Number 1 Claim FC No QUD673/2014 authorisation process

One of the largest traditional owners authorisation processes conducted for a single native title claim. Development of a community engagement and presentation plan involving over 17 different communities across QLD. Adam designed and delivered over 15 information meetings and 30 separate and co-ordinated authorisation meetings. Resulting in 99% support for the claim.

Cape York Peninsula Developmental Road ILUA authorisation

A major infrastructure development project for Cape York. Development of a complex engagement plan working with 15 different traditional owner communities across Cape York, and other stakeholders. Significant community engagement processes resulting in 100% authorisation and subsequent adoption of significant business development opportunities.

Facilitation projects

Native title facilitation with large indigenous communities including the Quandamooka People authorisation meetings of October 2019.

Adam has recently successfully facilitated a number of challenging meetings of traditional owners and others in Victoria and QLD

Jim Cyngler has recently delivered on

Community re-engagement project within Barengi Gadjin Land Corporation

This 18 month project arising out of community disengagement, disappointment and discord involved the design and development of a Community Reengagement Plan involving a successful process of 16 family meetings, regional meetings and full group meeting enabling the community to overcome past enmities and differences, and develop a shared vision statement, implement a strategic plan and commence TOSA negotiations with the Victorian Government.

Facilitation and Mediation Projects

A substantial number of mediations and facilitations involving Traditional Owners in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory. Whilst the circumstances are different in each situation a purpose designed decision making framework was developed in each matter to support the participants engaging in dialogue processes in which party own decision making is paramount. The outcomes enable and empower the self-determination of the participants.


Training in conflict management, facilitation, and mediation for Traditional Owners, Representative Bodies and the National Native Title Tribunal. This training provides a conceptual understanding of conflict and supports attendees to develop the skills to facilitate decision making processes that are needed to achieve empowerment and connection.

We provide our clients with first class service

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